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Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or lung cleansing drink for smokers is specifically aimed at helping individuals cleanse their respiratory system from tar, smoke, and pollutants collected over time. Moreover, JustVedic recognizes that smoking for an individual is a complicated excessive dependence on cigarettes. To address this complex problem of smoking, JustVedic lung cleansing drink has developed this natural and nutritional herbal drink, specifically to help smokers reduce their desire to smoke and support their willpower to create new and healthier habits and quit smoking in the process. This Lung cleansing juice also helps with fighting the habit of chewing tobacco or gutkha. Justvedic Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or Lung Cleanse Drink Mix tastes sweet with distinct notes of spices because of the presence of Ginger, Cloves and Cardamom along with Mulethi. It is delicate on your palate. Best juice for cleansing lungs consists of nine herbs all in a form that is instant and easy to mix and drink. Juice to cleanse lungs contains Black Licorice (mulethi) from Punjab, Mighty Ginger variety from Orissa, Krishna Tulsi from Sasan Gir, Penang Cloves from Tamil Nadu, Peppermint from Haryana, Green Cardamom from Kerala, Fennel from Gujarat, Fenugreek from Rajasthan, and Thymus serpyllum Linn from Nilgiris. All these provide the perfect blend for lung purification drink and it contains no preservatives, no artificial flavours, and is 100% Vegetarian.
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Our Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or lung cleansing drink for smokers follows all the recommended standards by FSSAI, WHO, and NCBI. This Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or lung cleansing drink Mix is based on the substitution strategy for quitting smoking - the idea that the habit of smoking cigarettes can last a lifetime and is difficult to break, but it can be replaced. Also, our Lung cleansing juice drink helps in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. The herbs present in the Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or Best juice for cleansing lungs help you feel relaxed and get through stressful moments especially when you are trying to quit smoking for the first time. Our herbal drink also assists in increasing energy and reducing hunger. Many of the herbs and spices in this drink, help increase your metabolism and reduce the feeling of hunger to prevent post quitting weight gain. Herbs such as liquorice root present in this Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or Lung Cleanse Drink Mix, help your lungs naturally cleanse and detox themselves, and heal after you stop smoking. JustVedic Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or Lung Cleanse Drink Mix consists of Black Licorice (mulethi) from Punjab, Mighty Ginger variety from Orissa, Krishna Tulsi from Sasangir, Penang Cloves from Tamil Nadu, Peppermint from Haryana, Green Cardamom from Kerala, Fennel from Gujarat, Fenugreek from Rajasthan and Thymus serpyllum Linn from Nilgiris. All these provide the perfect blend for lung purification drink and it contains no preservatives, no artificial flavours and is 100% Vegetarian. A cup of Juice to cleanse lungs can replace smoking in your daily routine. Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or Lung Cleanse Drink Mix is specifically created to help make that switch from having a cigarette to a new healthy habit.
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It is delicate on your palate and the sun-soaked green-tinged golden drink is full of sweetness and warmth offering lung wellness with each sip. If you are looking to try something different and tea lover then you should definitely like our Teacurry tea to cleanse lungs or lung Detox Tea which has all the similar ingredients and benefits to our Lung Detox Drink Mix. Tea to cleanse lungs does not contain any artificial flavour it is 100% natural. Enjoy this delicious balance of taste, health and aroma, which helps you purify your lungs and quit smoking. JustVedic Anti Smoking Drink Mix or Breathe Easy Drink Mix or Lung Cleanse Drink Mix is a caffeine-free powder mix with a soft sweet refreshing taste of Licorice (mulethi), Krishna Tulsi and Fenugreek. It is delicate on your palate. It also increases willpower and reduces craving and excess hunger. An award-winning wellness brand with deliveries across 45+ countries, JUSTVEDIC is a proud Anti Carbon and a plastic-neutral brand. Justvedic offsets its footprints via environmental initiatives in India including reforestation efforts and rainwater harvesting. We follow all social responsibilities of educating and taking perfect care of our farmers and their families.
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DURATION - Every individual is different and everybody has a different set of health matrices. It is very difficult to predict a perfect timeline for the use of the instant drink, however, we have seen most individuals achieving a well visible wellness matrix in around 80-85 days of constant use.
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